January 2009
31Soo Behind on Updates!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 4:06pm (January 31st, 2009)
It's been an amazing few weeks in swimming! I've been practicing very well, I've met some amazing new friends and contacts in the swimming world, I've also been to Colorado and back for some great altitude training! I met an Olympian, swam with some fellow Olympic Trial athletes and made some great progress on training!
264k per day and Auburn meet
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 4:13pm (January 26th, 2009)
Over the past few days I've had a chance to do at least 4,000 yards per practice. Unfortunately the pool was closed both Saturday and Sunday due to a meet. I did dryland training to make up for my lack of pool time. Today I'll be doing weights, dryland and swimming at least 4k. I spoke with an EMU swimmer Sean, who I swam with. He is one of the only other swimmers still actively swimming and competing from my era at EMU. He gave me a heads up on a good Masters meet at Auburn. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the heads up Sean.
25Great practice with "Aquaholics"!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 9:37pm (January 25th, 2009)
During my time in Colorado, I had a chance to train with a Masters Team that goes by the name "Aquaholics" who practice at the University of Denver. After speaking with "Brett" during an evening practice he was finishing up, I inquired about the workout group. The next day I met "Brian" who gave me some details on when the Aquaholics practiced and decided to join them for a workout the following afternoon. On Friday I attended my first Masters practice ever. I was immediately impressed with the turnout! They filled 8 lanes with 3-4 people per lane at noon!
214,200 Yards and new dryland
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 4:56pm (January 21st, 2009)
I had a solid practice yesterday, the first in a few days due to scheduling conflicts. I'm starting to develop some dryland exercises that I will do EVERY day, most of them focusing on hamstring flexibility and core strength. I've never done a certain exercise each day, I usually mix it up, which I'll still do in addition to my new daily routine. Today's practice was 4,200 yards of IM, Back and Freestyle workouts. I did quite a few 50 Fly for variety.
20Site updates on the way!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 3:27pm (January 20th, 2009)
I finally had a chance to update the database that will run the new version of my site. Unfortunately this personal site usually takes a backseat to my paying endeavors for obvious reasons. These changes will become obvious over the next few days of coding changes. I'm excited to know that my site will soon be easier to update, more dynamic, faster loading and look even better!
I've been in the weight room as well as dryland exercises this weekend. I'll be in the pool today!
19Special Thanks to My Videographers!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 11:23pm (January 19th, 2009)
I took some time to watch my swimming videos today and I've realized how valuable they are to me. I went though my entire swimming career with no video of me swimming. I really wish the teams I was part of would have made this technology a priority. I would like to thank the following people who have contributed to the video on my website:
Barb Gray
Sarah Volpe
Rick Gray
Dan Doak
Nadine Day
Skip Thompson
Barb Gray
Sarah Volpe
Rick Gray
Dan Doak
Nadine Day
Skip Thompson
16Underwater Sprints
Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 12:33am (January 16th, 2009)
I did a brief 3,500 yards combined with weights today before a busy day. I did 32x25's with 3 up 1 down. The one down was underwater as fast as I could go, I was averaging about 13 seconds. I've been increasing the amount of butterfly I've been doing in practice in hopes of besting my 49.93 in the 100 Fly in a few months. I still have lots of progress to be made on my stroke rhythm as well as underwater kicking endurance.
149 Days On 1 Day Off
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 5:05pm (January 14th, 2009)
I realized last night I've either been training or in a meet for 9 days straight. I don't really feel like I need a day off but I am a little sore. I decided it was probably best to take a day off and reflect on my training plans for the next 2.5 months. I want to really drop some significant time at the Michigan Masters State Meet so I'll be planning on how to maximize my training before March 27th.
I could benefit from quite a few training changes however I feel that my underwater butterfly kick is the single largest way to improve.
13Conversation with a Legend
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 8:32pm (January 13th, 2009)

12Videos Posted / Back to Training!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 4:18pm (January 12th, 2009)
I'm excited to have some time to just train. I'm not focusing on any meets right now. I know the Michigan Masters state meet is sometime a few months from now so that will be the next one on the calendar. I really just need time to bury myself in training and get some technique goals accomplished. Special thanks to Barb and Sarah who came to support me yesterday!
11Fastest 100 Yards Ever!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 8:20pm (January 11th, 2009)
Overall, I had a decent meet today. I knew my performances would suffer after taking 3 weeks off, so taking that into consideration, I did pretty well.
100 Fly: 50.66
50 Free: 21.45
100 Free: 46.42 (Lifetime Best)
50 Back: 23.69
100 Back: 51.16
The 100 Free represents the fastest time I've ever traveled through water 100 Yards! It is also a lifetime best time by more than 1 second! I'm very proud that I've bettered my 100 free but I'll freely admit my other races were a bit below my expectations. Today I'm focusing on my 100 Free acheivement though :)
100 Fly: 50.66
50 Free: 21.45
100 Free: 46.42 (Lifetime Best)
50 Back: 23.69
100 Back: 51.16
The 100 Free represents the fastest time I've ever traveled through water 100 Yards! It is also a lifetime best time by more than 1 second! I'm very proud that I've bettered my 100 free but I'll freely admit my other races were a bit below my expectations. Today I'm focusing on my 100 Free acheivement though :)
10Summer Suits
Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 5:07pm (January 10th, 2009)

9Rough Week
Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 11:19pm (January 9th, 2009)
After taking 3 weeks off, this week has been utterly exhausting with what I would consider short workouts. The combination of weights, dryland and an hour in the pool each day has left me sore and tired. I've only been swimming 3,000-4,000 yard workouts and it's wiped me out. Interesting how quickly I lost my endurance. My weight has stayed stable at 175, today I hit what might be my first 176 day. My weight doesn't alarm me, I think I'm probably still a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index). I still don't eat enough but I'm making progress.
93 Days of Good Training and Meet Outlook
Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 1:27am (January 9th, 2009)
I've had a few really good days of training this week, Tuesday was 4,200 yards, Wednesday was 3,000 yards and dryland. Today was 3,000 yards and lots of butterfly. This weekend I have a meet at EMU on Sunday morning. I knew when I committed to swim it a month ago that it wouldn't be a great performance due to the holiday and less swimming. I think meets like this are important to keep my focus on improving. Chances are, I will swim some slower times than usual due to 3 full weeks off. It disappoints me that I let my training slip, but everybody needs a little break here and there.
6Jones Nat, at long last...
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 1:20am (January 6th, 2009)
The University was still shut down when I returned on Saturday, Sunday they were closed as well. Monday I was back in the weight room, dryland and 3200 yards in the pool. Absolutely wiped out by the end of the 2.5 hour workout. It was great to be back in a world class pool after that much time off. While the pool was shut down they replaced the pump system which will decrease the facilities downtime and allow for more consistent temperature control. As well as making my good friend Tim's (the pool guy) job much easier!
3A week off...
Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 4:17pm (January 3rd, 2009)
I did everything I could to work in some dryland drills during the week to keep the edge off. I wish I could have done more, but I assumed I wouldn't get much training in during my vacation. Back to Michigan soon. It's going to be tough to leave the beautiful Florida weather. I got one more practice in this morning in a 15 meter pool at the campground. I did quite a bit of butterfly, as all swimmers know, it's almost impossible to swim butterfly slowly. It was a challenging, yet brief workout.