9 Days On 1 Day Off
149 Days On 1 Day Off
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 5:05pm (January 14th, 2009)
I realized last night I've either been training or in a meet for 9 days straight. I don't really feel like I need a day off but I am a little sore. I decided it was probably best to take a day off and reflect on my training plans for the next 2.5 months. I want to really drop some significant time at the Michigan Masters State Meet so I'll be planning on how to maximize my training before March 27th.
I could benefit from quite a few training changes however I feel that my underwater butterfly kick is the single largest way to improve. I have a long way to go but I have a good training base to start with. On Monday I did weights, dryland, and 4,000 yards. On Tuesday I did 5,400 yards with some sprint free and sprint backstroke.
I plan on using my normal practice time today to review some meet videos and look at where else I can improve.