November 2008
295200 Yards
Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 4:48am (November 29th, 2008)
I had a chance to practice with EMU again while most of their team was out of town for the holiday. I didn't really plan on it, but it was the only time the pool was open during the Thanksgiving break. I notice I work harder on sets, with a greater set variety, as well as completing more yards when I practice with EMU. It was a great experience both days. I think it's good for me to have this new (old) workout routine. It's been quite a while since I've done over 5,000 yards during a practice. I plan on practicing with the team at least once more during the break.
27Fantastic Practice
Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 4:46am (November 27th, 2008)
For the first time in years, I had the chance to join Easterns team in the afternoon for a practice! Its been a very long time (perhaps 5 years) since I've done a main set like I completed today. After a 1,200 yard fast kick set we did:
6x300's on the 4:00
5x200's on the 2:40
8x100's on the 1:30
There were some specific speed expectations associated with each set as well as plenty of training notes which I won't disclose. This is due to the fact I didn't write the practice therefore would feel bad distributing anothers work on the internet.
25Recent Workouts
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 6:37am (November 25th, 2008)
I post these mostly for my own reference.
24Short Course Nationals - Psych Sheet
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 7:27pm (November 24th, 2008)
I just received the Psych Sheet (lineup) for the U.S. Short Course Nationals.
2008 U.S. Short Course Nationals Psych Sheet (PDF)
2008 U.S. Short Course Nationals Psych Sheet (PDF)
24Short Course Nationals - Psych Sheet
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 6:01pm (November 24th, 2008)
I just received the Psych Sheet (lineup) for the U.S. Short Course Nationals.
2008 U.S. Short Course Nationals Psych Sheet (PDF)
2008 U.S. Short Course Nationals Psych Sheet (PDF)
24AVID Speaking Opportunity!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 5:56am (November 24th, 2008)
I'd like to thank the AVID program of Aurora, Colorado for inviting me to speak to their students about school, swimming and my career. AVID stand for "Advancement Via Individual Determination". It is a group of students who have applied to the program to better themselves with the help of Teachers and Volunteers. The program is defined on the AVID Website as:
16New Swimming Contacts and New SCM World Records!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 6:05pm (November 16th, 2008)
I went back to University of Denver for another practice. I ran into the Head Coach Brian as I was getting in. I congratulated him on his Sunbelt Conference victory and we talked about the effects of Altitude training for a moment. It was nice to make another swimming connection. I got in while a team was just finishing up. Shortly after my warmup quite a few Recreational swimmers started trickling in and filling the lanes. I had a few swimmers join me in my lane while I was in the middle of my main set. A few of them quickly left. Only one remained.
14Interesting findings from altitude training
Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 3:22am (November 14th, 2008)
13Altitude Training!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 3:55am (November 13th, 2008)
After a very challenging day of training on Tuesday I decided to take a trip out to see some good friends and because of my location, I'll be training at altitude. Although semi-controversial, altitude training has been thought to increase the workload on your body because of the thinner air. Some teams have transported their swimmers to training centers along the rocky mountain range.
11Weight Gain, Kick Set and Big Meets
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 6:55am (November 11th, 2008)
I weighed myself on Sunday and hit an all time high of 177.1 Lbs. Just earlier in the week I was 170.5. That seems like quite a spread. Taking an average of the weight spreads I've seen, I now weigh 4-9 lbs more than last year. I've been working out just as much if not more. I feel fast in the pool and I feel physically fit. I don't bring it up because I feel like I have some sort of weight issue, but I think there's something to be said for power to weight ratio. I suppose a portion of this gain could be attributed to my weight training. Adding muscle will add weight of course.
10Busy days however still training hard!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 5:51am (November 10th, 2008)
I've missed a few blogging days, but I've been in the pool consistently each day. I had an eventful weekend balancing work, and handling some freelance event photography of the EMU swim meets this past Friday and Saturday. I had a chance to swim either before or during the meets on each day in between taking over 3,000 pictures of the competition! My Saturday was filled with working in the morning, attending an age group meet, swimming 3,000 yards, getting out, taking 2,000 pictures of the meet, doing weights during a diving break and then taking more pictures.
6USMS Swimmer Magazine Article!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 10:45pm (November 6th, 2008)

USMS Swimmer Magazine Article (PDF)
Here is the text:
5Almost Forgot!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 7:25am (November 5th, 2008)
The most exciting swimming related news is that I'M HEALED!
5200 IM and other training
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 5:36am (November 5th, 2008)
I missed a few days here! I had a chance to swim an "all out" 200 IM on Friday, it was pretty ugly, I went a 2:27... Not exactly an impressive time for me considering I do the 100 IM in 52.6. I have a long way to go if I want to post a similar time in the longer version of the event. I tried again today in practice and went a 2:16, a solid improvement from a push but still a long way from where I want to be.
2Temp makes a difference!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 4:08am (November 2nd, 2008)
I had a chance to do the same 100's without equipment like yesterday. My personal best was achieved last week at holding 1:10 at a 1:40 send off. Yesterday in warm club pool I was holding 1:20's and feeling (comparatively) pathetic. Today I tried it in the Jones pool and went a 1:07... I was amazed, I actually saw a "7" and figured it was a 1:17 due to my performances the day before. I questioned my math skills for a moment so I did one more to make sure I was correct and split a confirmed 1:06! I literally dropped 4 seconds off my personal best in just a few days.
1Taking some serious heat!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 12:33am (November 1st, 2008)
Since it was Halloween, the Jones pool closed early, I had to train in the club pool. It was like bath water in there! I meant to check the temp before I left but trust me when I say it felt warm, and its no fun to train in warm water. The Jones pool (or any competition pool for that matter) is kept cool, almost cold. This way your body can dissipate heat while swimming. Since there's nowhere for the heat to go it stays in your body, I could tell I immediately felt lethargic. I did a similar set of 100's pull without a pull bouy and averaged 8 seconds slower in the club pool.