September 2014

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A crazy week, I'm back in the water

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 9:06pm (September 11th, 2014)

It's been a heck of a week. This site was started for me to share my athletic challenges, both good and bad.  It remains difficult to balance life and staying in shape, a struggle almost everyone shares.  When life gets tough, it's even harder to balance.  Yesterday I was in the water for a mere 250 meters, simply to show a friend that I could indeed swim.  Today I needed a workout more than anything.  I keep using that word "balance" and today I actually needed a swim to bring some balance back into my life.  I've been buried with some challenges outside of the pool and as tough as life was today, a swim gave me that momentary smile I needed.  I truly love that about exercise.  After a while, my smile wore off and my mind started racing with the issues I wanted a break from.  An unrelated frustrating pool situation made me decide to get out before my 1 hour workout was over  The pool I swim at insists on turning off all the lights in the pool for the aqua classes so the people can (joking) fall asleep in the pool.  When they do this for the arthritus class, they are creating the next slip-and-fall lawsuit right before my eyes.  These geniuses combine: Elderly patrons with a wet pool deck and no lights... brilliant... broken leg in 3...2...1...

Anyway, with no lights on overhead and underwater lights on full blast, looking at the bulbs below you gives you sun spots in your eyes.  This itself can create a dangerous situation to somebody swimming fast toward a metal wall.  After my 30 minute swim, I called it quits and headed home.  I feel relaxed and ready for some sleep.