Saginaw Valley University State University Masters Meet
Saginaw Valley University State University Masters Meet

I took a long drive up to Saginaw to compete in a Sunday morning SCY meet. It was the first year for the meet. I found that Saginaw Valley ran a great meet. It was a great facility with plentiful parking, attentive staff, nice locker rooms, and a smooth meet. It wasn't attended by as many people as I expected there to be, but it was the first year for the meet. Next year there will be more once people realize this is among the best pools Michigan Masters visits during the SCY season.
I had a decent meet. Nothing to write home about. I started with a good 50 Fly in 22.89, about a tenth faster than my recent performances. After that, it sorta went downhill. I have nothing to blame my performances on besides myself. The facility was above average and the competition was good. I need to train harder and lose weight, that's all it boils down to.
50 Fly SCY - 22.89
50 Back SCY - 24.01
50 Free SCY - 22.25
100 Back SCY - 53.00
That 100 Back was ugly. Good distance underwater but they were too slow. My only excuse is regarding my 50 Free time. I doubled out of the 50 Back with about 5 minutes rest, it simply wasn't enough rest for my current fitness level.