First practice after 2.5 weeks off
First practice after 2.5 weeks off
Today I joined the local masters swimmers at Fuller for my first pool workout since the U.S. Open 2.5 weeks ago. I jumped in and took a few strokes, smiled and thought to myself "yup, I love it". I did about 3,000 meters with the group. I felt a bit awkward in the water, as expected. It was nice to get some sun and laugh with the guys a bit. Afterward I stopped by Canham to help a college swimmer with her computer. I caught up with Assistant Coach Josh White and a few of the guys and girls on the team. It felt a little like coming home, it was a good feeling. Since I came in before practice, the swimmers trickled in one by one. The ones who wandered over near the offices (where I was sitting) immediately smiled when they saw me. The guys would shake my hand, a few of the girls gave me a hug, and all of them would ask how I was doing and where I was swimming. It made me feel like I had really made some connections on the team.
As I caught up with Josh White, he confirmed that there was indeed no "Post Grad" team for the time being. A reality I had already come to terms with, but the confirmation was appreciated. I've always really respected Josh White. I believe he has a bright future as a swim coach. He's knowledgeable (good thing too, he has a Ph.D.), and believes in aerobic training.
Today I filled about 3 hours of my life with swimming, or talking to swimming contacts. It was a great day back in the swimming world. I love this sport.