Elevate your heart rate, once a day


Elevate your heart rate, once a day

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 10:56am (August 29th, 2012)

I've really enjoyed that line: "Elevate your heart rate once a day".  It really simplifies general health to me.  With people who don't know how to lose weight, I would recommend simply doing something that makes your heart beat faster than it is right now.  Yesterday I chose to rollerblade 4 miles.  Today I will swim and do some light dryland in the form of abs and bodyweight exercises.  I feel happy to have the freedom back in my schedule yet after hearing that U of M was back in the water at Canham, I also felt sad that I'm missing out on great team training.  Although my choices for pool time seem limited, I am making the choice to mix up my training till I enumerate my swimming options.
