Adding more abs and kicking


Adding more abs and kicking

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 6:55pm (November 25th, 2011)

I'm certain I'll be a better swimmer by being part of Club Wolverine.  However the group I'm in doesn't do nearly enough abs or kicking for me to meet my goal at Trials.  This past summer we definitely did more abs and kicking.  We would hit both of those workouts twice a week minimum.  This fall we have shifted to other types of lifting and swimming.  I know I require far more work on abs and kicking than the other swimmers in the sprint group.  Today I started adding abs and kicking to the practice on my own.  Since others don't require the workouts I do, I've taken control of this aspect of my training.

I want to be amazing underwater, it's the ONE place I know I'm losing time in my races.  I've know about this issue for a while and honestly I was hoping the group would focus more on kicking but it doesn't seem to be the case.  No biggie, I will take control of this portion of my training and do what I feel is neccessary to improve.
