Researching "Muscular Endurance"


Researching "Muscular Endurance"

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 1:32pm (November 14th, 2011)

During my entire swimming career I've had an issue with muscular endurance. What I'm referring to is my ability to finish a 100 yard/meter race. Anybody who has seen me swim competitively would agree that I have respectable speed and acceptable stroke form however I fall apart during the end of a race. Races typically go like this:

Out quite fast, on track for a NCAA or Olympic Trial qualifying time, then I hit 75 yards/meters and I slow down significantly. Its not bad at first but I get slower and slower to the point I can barely move or feel my arms or legs. I end up finishing with a barely respectable time. If I'm tapered and rested, I finish with a decent time but certainly not as fast as I feel I should have been.

It was only recently that I really determined what might be going on inside my body which could cause me to have this issue. I fear that my coaches don't realize how significant this issue is to the success of my swimming career even though I've brought it up several times.  Therefore I'm sort of taking matters into my own hands and I will continue to add training to what we're already doing to ensure I am getting everything I can out of my pool and weight room time.

I'm lucky to have the power of the internet on my side!  There are quite a few fantastic articles with only a single search.  If I find any really worthwhile I'll share them :)
