Hold your breath!


Hold your breath!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 1:16pm (October 18th, 2011)

Today we had a set which went something like this:

3 x

1:00 slow kick body position over mirror on bottom of pool
1:00 hold your breath underwater the entire time (with bands attached to the wall)

1:00 slow swim work on body position over mirror on bottom of pool
1:00 hold your breath underwater the entire time (with bands attached to the wall)

1:00 normal swim work on body position over mirror on bottom of pool
1:00 hold your breath underwater the entire time (with bands attached to the wall)

300 kick/swim 50's

I'm embarrased to say I didn't make a single of the 1:00 breath holding.  Some struggled, others did it no problem.  I could barely make it :30 seconds before I needed more air.  I've never been good at "no breath" swimming but I'm significantly worse than other swimmers.

The set was even more unbearable due to the fact that the natatorium apparently hasn't turned on the heat yet.  This typically isn't an issue because we are working so hard that our high body temperatures compensate for the cold temps.  Today was entirely different.  We were barely moving.  Just sitting underwater holding our breath and kicking slowly connected to a band.  I was freezing after an hour of doing practically nothing in the water.
