The new guy chose a bad morning to start!


The new guy chose a bad morning to start!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 2:11pm (September 8th, 2011)

We've picked up 5 other post grad swimmers since I joined only a few months ago.  It's exciting to see new faces and watch the program grow.  Today a new backstroker joined us.  After meeting him and learning of his stroke specialty I couldn't be more happy to have another backstroker on the team!  The last few weeks has been a little challenging swimming alone while others swim freestyle.  Welcome Adrian!

The new guy chose a rough morning to begin.  One of our warmup sets were:

4 x [10 pushouts + 50 Fly + 10 dips + 50 Back + 10 pushups + 50 Breast + 5 wide grip pullups + 50 Free]

We did it at an aggressive pace as well.  No rest at all.  10 Dips doesn't sound bad until you realize we had to do it after a fast 50 meter butterfly.  It was a difficult, but short set.
