HEALTHY, for the most part


HEALTHY, for the most part

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 12:56pm (July 9th, 2011)

I woke up feeling much improved.  Improved to the point where I was confident I would try some starts.  We were assigned a short Race Pace set today.  It was really just a 50m fast plus 5 x 25m on :30 to :45 seconds.  Due to space issues, I ended up doing the taper group version which was simply 5 x 25's , the first being from a dive.  I did them backstroke and seemed to do pretty well.  I was holding 12.7 to 13.3 seconds on each 25m.  Those times earned me a "good job, you're looking better" from the head coach along with a smile of approval.  Based on the sub par health week I've had, good feedback was appreciated.
