100 Back LCM time conversion


100 Back LCM time conversion

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 12:34am (July 7th, 2011)

Time conversions are always entertaining.  They always spark a good conversation about whether a swimmer is a better long course or short course swimmer.  For fun I ran the conversion on my 100 Backstroke LCM time from this past weekend.  My 57.60 long course seems to convert to a 48.09 short course yards.  A short course time like that would mean I'm currently the fastest short and long course swimmer I've ever been.  Like I said, the conversions don't mean much, but seeing that made me excited to swim some short course meets this fall and see where I stand!  If I'm welcome to stay on the Club Wolverine team past the end of the summer, I'll continue to train with them daily but the meet availability will be far less than it is in the summer since it will be the college season.  To my knowledge only one meet occurs between August and January which is the short course nationals.  This means I'll have an opportunity to drop in some Masters meets and benchmark my progress!
