A Chance...


A Chance...

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 9:26pm (April 12th, 2011)
U of M Entrance

Today I accepted an invitation to try out for the Club Wolverine Elite Team.  It's difficult to write how special this opportunity is to me.  I'm sure most readers might not even know what it means.  To me, it represents a once in a lifetime chance to train with potential Olympians each day.  The team is coached by Michael Bottom, a man who has carved out a place in swimming history by coaching some of the biggest names in sprinting. 

What I've been presented with is simply a chance.  A one week trial to see if I fit in the program.  I'm a realist so I have no problem admitting that my chances are not good regarding actually earning a spot on the team.  The challenge is simple, to present myself to the coaching staff and teammates as exactly what I am: A swimmer with a little natural talent and a incredible drive to improve and learn.  The physical challenge I'm faced with is daunting.  Over the next week, I will multiply my practice workload by a ratio of 5:1.  I will literally be working out 5 times longer than I have been the last few months.  My body will break down.  I need to push myself to my maximum potential every moment of the next 7 days.  If I do all that, I may have a shot at staying on the team.

I have a chance.  I will make the most of it.

Practice Information
Dist: 3,000 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)