It's all relative


It's all relative

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 11:57pm (February 25th, 2011)

I had the chance to attend a local championship meet tonight.  Since I was involved in the presentation of the meet I got to view some of the dynamics of high school swimming.  I was drawn into some of the swims like I hadn't been in a long time.  Specifically when a backstroker got his State Cut of 57.10.  It was one of the greatest performances of the night and the natatorium just lit up with cheers, smiles and screaming.  I felt chills run down my spine at that very moment, remembering the moment I achieved the same feat over 10 years ago.  I watched this kid's entire race hoping it might happen for him, only for him to touch the wall, look up and get that familiar ear to ear smile of a kid who achieved what he truly wanted.  To be honest, I had a split second of feeling a little emotional, it was an incredible moment for a swimmer, his coaches, his team and his family... It's an amazing sight.

It was a long day but let me experience some really nice moments in local swimming.  Prior to the meet I squeezed in 2300 yards before I was booted by the teams getting in.  It was funny to see the high schoolers study me practicing.  I couldn't help but notice them wathcing me like hawks.  When I finally stopped, the obvious questions came... "What team are you on".  I just had a moment before I pushed off again so I simply replied "none of the teams here today", hoping to ease their (possible) fears that I was a competitor.  As I continued to swim, it struck me that these swimmers see me as something foreign and special due to my speed and size relative to theirs.  However, I have swimmers in my life that have the same effect on me, people I wouldn't mind asking a few question, and who I would be in awe of if I watched them practice.  It just made me realize, once again, that it's all relative.

The funniest comment came later "What's your name...." and after I gave them my name they said  "ok, I'll watch for you at the next Olympics".  To which I replied, "I'm hoping to make it to the Olympic Trials but you won't see me at the Olympics".  My reply was followed by theirs of "Yea right, I'll see you at the Olympics".

Anyway, great job today guys!

Practice Information
Dist: 2,300 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)