Ten Thousand Views
16Ten Thousand Views
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 10:41pm (February 16th, 2011)
I created a video two years ago to study my start. It turned out pretty good so I threw it up on Youtube. I check on the amount of views every so often. I find it funny that it's become one of the most popular backstroke start videos on the web. Although not an astronomical number, it's been viewed 10,269 times. Considering it's 10 minutes long, that's a lot of time watching me do backstroke starts! It strikes me as humorous that a video I never intended to really show off is the #1 hit on google and youtube for "backstroke start". Funny stuff. Here it is again if you're curious. Trust me, it's painfully boring if you're not into this stuff, and moderately boring, even if you are.