25's fast


25's fast

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 10:35pm (February 16th, 2011)

I've been focused on doing half my practice kick.  I'll swim a total of 3,000 yards and truly swim 1,500 of it kicking only.  Typically the kick portions are 100's but lately I've been moving down to 50's and now 25's to improve my sprint kicking speed.  I feel as though a full month of training has given me a good base regarding ab and leg strength.  At my fastest a few years ago, I was doing 400 yards fast kicking every other day.  16x25's on the :30 with 15 meters underwater.  I feel that I'm approaching my previous speed and ability underwater.  On Monday I swam at EMU and was hitting the 12 second mark doing the 25's.  It's a pretty loose benchmark.  I kick ALL OUT to the 15 meter mark and then just crank out a fast stroke or two after I surface.  I'll coast into the wall and see the :12 pass.  It's not scientific, but represents I'm making some pretty good time underwater if I'm not swimming all out for the entire 25 yards.  Feeling great and making progress!

Practice Information
Dist: 2,700 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)