4,200 Meters SOLO


4,200 Meters SOLO

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 8:37pm (August 5th, 2010)

 I hope it's the beginning of some great solo workouts.  As the EMU/CW group winds down for the summer, I'll be forced to push myself in some solo practices.  I committed to, and followed through with 4,200 long course meters by myself.... and I pushed it.  I'm proud of myself!


 600m Swim (100 Free/100 Back)
600m Kick @ 1:50 with Board
100m Easy
5 x 100m @ 1:40 Pull no equipment 
5 x 100m @ 1:40 Paddle Pull
100 Easy
8 x 100m @ 2:00 Kick no board
6 x 100m @ 2:00 Swim D1-3
4 x 50 @ 1:00 Fly
200 cool down

Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 172.5 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 171.2 lbs
Practice Information
Dist: 4,200 LCM - (Long Course 50 Meters)
Practice Type: Kevin Kreation