First day in the Gym


First day in the Gym

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 10:21pm (June 9th, 2010)

I had a great hour in the gym. Back in the day I would isolate arms or legs, since I'll only be doing weight workouts a few days a week, I'll be doing a full body workout each time. I did every machine I was comfortable with, which was at least half of them in there. I pushed it a little but didn't max anything out in hopes I won't desolate my muscles. The machines in the gym are all new and really nice. It was the first time I'd seen machines with a simple switch on each weight plate rather than a pin you need to swap in and out. It was a pleasure to use such nice machines. I think the whole "go somewhere to lift" is the catalyst I needed to jumpstart my dryland training.

After my gym workout I headed to a local track and ran a mile. It doesn't sound like much, but I despise running entirely. My one mile was enough for me.

Combining weights and running was a great workout!
