ALMOST sent myself home


ALMOST sent myself home

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 7:22pm (June 28th, 2010)

I had a very tough start to my practice today. The warmup of:

3 x (300 Free + 200 IM)

was immediately wearing me out, it was followed by 600 meters of Easy/Fast IM 50's. I really wasn't feeling well, I think it was a combination of 4 hours of sleep and eating too recently prior to practice. I was 99.9% ready to send myself home after the warmup but I stuck it out and I'm glad I did.

We ended the 6,900 meter practice with 3 x 100's D1-3 MAX and I finished with a 1:08.5, it represented the fastest I've swam a 100 Back LCM in practice in quite some time.

My time with EMU/CW workout group has been nothing but positive. Lots of nice kids and college students. They are competitive, supportive and pleasant to train with. I rarely hear complaining, and when I do, it's typically well founded :)

Although unlikely any of them will read this:

Thank you Team!

Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 177.5 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 174.9 lbs
Practice Information
Dist: 6,900 LCM - (Long Course 50 Meters)