2010 State Meet Day 1 Morning Session Results

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2010 State Meet Day 1 Morning Session Results

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 6:10pm (April 17th, 2010)

100 Free - This was a tough one to start with, I was NOT ready to swim 100 Free. I swam a 48.0x. The race hurt and kinda ticked me off. I hit the lane line about 7 times, I just couldn't seem to get away from it when I was swimming toward the starting end. It was like there was a current against my left side. Nobody else seems to do it, so it's all in my head. The whole race was just sloppy. Pretty much everybody beat me. In my age group alone, I was second to Patrick Saucedo.

50 Fly - This was the one race I was looking forward to. I have been swimming more fly than usual leading up to this meet. I didn't think I would beat my 22.49 time from last year, but I figured I might be close. I ended up with a 23.15 barely touching out Patrick and Schmitt who tied with a 23.20. The video looks like a 3 way tie.

200 Free Relay - The relays are always a blast. We had some decent splits on average. Schmitt lead off with a Lifetime Best 50 Free (without a suit) of 20.63, I swam second with a 20.95, Saucedo was a 21.53 and Mull was a 21.91.

I'm tired, time for some food and a nap. I'm really disappointed with the organization of the meet. I've tried giving them the benefit of the doubt on a few issues, but there are definitely some things that need improvement to host a meet like this. More on that later