:55 second 100 Back (from a push)


:55 second 100 Back (from a push)

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 10:04pm (October 29th, 2010)

I've embraced some new benchmark sets, one being my 3x100's backstroke descend. It's typically the last set of the day so I'm sufficiently warmed up at this point. I start slow, today my first one was on the 1:11. Just nice and easy. My 2nd 100 was a 1:03, feeling long and strong. I cranked it up for the 3rd and final 100 and busted out a season best in practice of :55.xx. It's around 2 seconds faster than I even swam the event at the Milan Masters Meet. It felt great and I'm proud to say I'm just a single day away from making it to the pool 6 days this week!


Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 168.9 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 168.3 lbs
Practice Information
Dist: 3,100 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)