6 Days a Week


6 Days a Week

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 9:59pm (October 28th, 2010)

I've been recognizing my general lack of consistency in training lately. I would consider my 2007 and 2008 seasons to be the finest of my modern swimming career. The one thing I definitely accomplished in my training was consistency. Every week I aimed to train 7 days a week. I set this goal knowing that something would always come up once a week that would prevent me from training whether it be life, work or a family event. I remember how well it worked for me. I was swimming 3k a day, 6 days a week and racing really well from that level of training. It's been a while since I tried that training schedule. I feel as though I'm getting closer to it lately. I'm back to aiming at 7 days a week, this week I already missed a day so I'll try to make it every other chance I get this week. I'm well on my way to establishing consistency in the pool. My next task is to do the same in the gym.

Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 168.5 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 167.9 lbs
Practice Information
Dist: 3,300 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)