Need a Plan


Need a Plan

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 8:33pm (September 2nd, 2009)
I dedicated my summer to training with a team. My time with EMU/CW was a fantastic learning experience. I anticipate I will utilize many of the training ideas for years to come. The expertise of Coaches Sarah Volpe and Peter Linn was just as impressive as I thought it would be.

At this point I need to develop a new individual training plan. My new location will make pool training more inconvenient but will allow me to implement a more extensive dryland exercise program. As beneficial as it was to be part of a team and have a coach, I'm excited to take full control of my training again!

Today was my first real day back in the water after a full 3 weeks off! I took advantage of a FLAWLESS day at the outdoor Fuller Pool and did a moderate 3,000 meters long course.