50 Free Time Trial Next
850 Free Time Trial Next
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 3:31pm (July 8th, 2009)
I have the 50 free coming up in 20 mins. My legs are just gone. I have no excuse for my poor performance in the 100 backstroke. All I can say is that my legs failed me. My start was good, my arms were good, my body rotation was good but watching the video, I barely made it 65 meters before my legs failed. Once I couldn't kick I also couldn't rotate my body and my armstroke suffered.
I'm hoping for a decent 50 free but at this point I've set the bar pretty low, as long as I finish it alive I'll be ecstatic.
My legs are still tired and feel exhausted after only one hard race. I briefly talked to coaches Jon Urbanchek and Bailey Weathers about training changes. I just think its beyond silly that I can't make it through a 1:00 race without dying.
50 free soon.