New Video Today!


New Video Today!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 11:43pm (July 1st, 2009)
Today I will do some starts and turns on camera! After a day off swimming I feel rested and ready for a great practice!

I can't beieve World Champ Trials are less than a week away. I feel totally unprepared to swim fast. I plan on doing a 4 day rest. I will not be shaving or wearing a tech suit for this meet. I've been advised by some fellow swimmers that I should taper for this meet rather than Masters Long Course Nationals. Although I would swim better with a full taper and shave I feel like I would be wasting it on one swim. A friend brought it to my attention that I swim a single event at World Champ Trials and 10 events at Long Course Nationals 4 weeks afterward. I woud rather use the additional month of training to prepare to go even faster and use my taper for more races.

I'll post my videos later tonight!