Decent times, fun meet!


Decent times, fun meet!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 4:34pm (June 28th, 2009)

After some rain during my drive, I arrived in East Lansing and the weather was flawless! There wasn't a cloud in the sky, it was amazing timing. I got in a quick warmup while catching up with some old friends and fellow swimmers. The meet was hand timed so who knows how accurate the results are.

50 Back - 27.63
I slipped on the bare concrete wall (no timing pad) and basically got nothing off my start, the video is difficult to watch. The race felt ok, I was turning it over pretty well but fell apart at the end.

50 Fly - 27.39
This race was about 10 minutes after the backstroke so I was a little tired. Definitely not as rough as Patrick Saucedo doubling out of the 50 Breast 5 mins prior though. We had a good race, it was dead even at the finish, the timers had him at 27.42 but that's well within a margin of error on hand timing, that could have gone either way.

50 Free - 24.65
I raced Patrick Saucedo and Alec Mull to the finish. Alec definitely edged me out at the finish with a 24.4.

100 Back - NT
I didn't feel like dealing with the wall issue again so I scratched.

100 Free - 56.08
I'm embarrassed to say I laid down and fell asleep before the race... They were calling my name before the race and Patrick had to run over and wake me up to swim! I panicked, ran (stumbling) over to the blocks and got up there just in time for the start. I was quite disoriented as I dove in! I actually busted out a good first 50 meters but entirely fell apart during the last 25. I was happy with my time, Alec swam a 55.8 but it looked much closer than 3 tenths, it was a great race regardless.

I did learn that MSU's pool used to be 55 yards but was converted to 50 meters around 1997.