3,000 Meter Kick Set and "White Knight"


3,000 Meter Kick Set and "White Knight"

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 11:12pm (June 16th, 2009)
The phrase of the day is "White Knight". I've never heard this one used in any sort of training context until today. During a warmup set, a swimmer in the next lane was apparently sandbagging most of the set only to go all out during the last 200 meters. The phrase I heard was... "and then went White Knight on the last one". We all laughed at the comment and I immediately filed that one away for the blog :)

Today was a huge kick set and I loved every second of it! I was in a lane with Scott Murphy, two high school girls and Lori Morton. We were repeatedly referred to as the "fast lane" by the coaches. The set was as follows:

500 kick on 10:00
5x100's on 1:50 Fast
400 kick on 8:00
4x100's on 1:50 Fast
300 kick on 6:00
3x100's on 1:45 Fast
200 kick on 4:00
2x100's on 1:45 Fast
100 kick on 2:00

I really enjoyed the set. I went 2nd in the lane after Lori and held my own. Lori was going noticeably faster than me on the "Fast" 100's, I'm not sure how much faster since I was leaving 10 seconds behind her. As we got down to the end I knew I had to rev it up on that last one to keep my pride. Lori Morton is an incredible kicker, she mentioned she's been as fast at 1:14 long course. That's moderately insane speed. I mentioned to the lane that I haven't been faster than 1:21 in my life. We only had about 3o seconds rest and after 2,900 meters, I wasn't sure if anything was left in the tank!

Lori went first and touched the wall in a 1:18.5, I touched in 1:17.3 and Scott was 1:24.0 doing breaststroke kick! I wish I knew the other swimmers names, but unfortunately I missed them. They both did really well with 1:24's

I adore those kick sets, I would take one of those over ANY other set. Overall it was a great practice and I always enjoy swimming with motivated swimmers! Great Job everybody!