A Weekend of Supporting Others


A Weekend of Supporting Others

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 2:03am (June 1st, 2009)
I had a great weekend supporting friends. I had a chance to support my friends Sarah Volpe, Mary Jo Desprez and Chris Easthope as they competed in the Dexter Ann Arbor 5k Run. I got some great pictures of them finishing their race.

While taking test photos of some random runners I made a contact in the sporting world. A woman named Theresa Padilla approached me and asked if I was "Media". I replied "not officially", however she allowed me to come within the gates and get an even better vantage point of the finish line. I thanked her on my way out and she handed me her card and asked to email her if I got any good shots of her teammates from "Front Line Racing Team" www.frontlineracingteam.com. While going through photo's later I found that I actually had 3 really well composed photo's of one of her teammates finishing, I forwarded them to her immediately. She replied with a gracious "thank you" and some kind words about my services! I love helping fellow athletes!

Below is a great picture of Sarah finishing!