A Heck of a Week!


A Heck of a Week!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 4:57am (May 9th, 2009)
This was probably the most demanding week of training since my college days. I've officially joined the EMU Summer Workout Group which trains twice a day in the pool for 2 hours each session. For (at least) the last 5 days, I've done 6,000+ long course meters with the Workout Group and over an hour of random P90X exercises each day for a grand total of over 3 hours of training per day. I've been challenged in the pool by many other swimmers... some younger, some MUCH younger :) I'm pushed each and every practice and I love it! I usually start out very strong, but tend to fade around the 3,000-4,000 meter mark. I think it will take a few weeks to be able to handle the full 6,400 meter workouts. For now I'm only doing the evening sessions due to work constraints. I plan on adding the mornings soon. This new radical training change is exciting for me! I'm being pushed, and pushing myself constantly and I know it can only lead to good things! I love swimming!