


Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 11:17pm (May 26th, 2009)
Over the course of a few weeks, I've lost about 6lbs. I always weigh myself after my workout (I typically lose 2lbs of water during a swim workout). Although not the most scientific of comparisons. I notice that I was 168lbs at the time of my fastest 100m backstroke (57.00) in April 2008. By June 2008 I had ballooned to 175lbs and I swam .7 seconds slower yet I was tapered with more rest. Here I am again under 170lbs and feeling pretty good. I think slight weight fluctuations are normal but I often consider power to weight ratio. Obviously the lighter I am, the less weight I'm pulling through the water. I certainly don't want to lose too much weight, and I'm always mindful of that. Anybody who has seen me eat (and then eat an hour later) knows I don't hold back on food intake.

On the health front, my elbow is not entirely healed. It's still pretty painful, but I made it through an entire 6,500 meter workout this afternoon without any problems there. Unfortunately, during a 2,000 meter fin kick set I hyper extended my ankle. It was quite painful to finish the set. I ended up pulling the last 1,000 meters. Ironic that my elbow is feeling better and then I mess up my ankle. I figure as long as one half of my body can swim I'm doing pretty well!