10x200's Best Average!


10x200's Best Average!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 10:15pm (May 11th, 2009)
I didn't know I had it in me... The workout today was to establish a baseline for training intervals. We did 10x200's best average. I was the only person in the entire group who did it backstroke (or any stroke besides freestyle). I started off at 2:42 and leveled off at 2:46 or so. The interval was 3:00. It really took it out of me! I had to dig deep to get through that set. I pushed myself and did my best. I got to what I thought was #9 but everybody in the pool was done. Others were doing the set freestyle on the 2:50. Apparently they all counted to 10 but I could swear it was only 9. I did an extra one just to make sure I did the whole set. The last one was a 2:44, I was pleased :)

Overall it was 5,600 long course meters. I'm having a blast pushing myself! I can tell the coaching staff is still unsure of me, but I feel like I'm holding my own, and I know I'm doing my best.

At the end of the set we took our pulse for 10 seconds, mine was 30 beats. We took it again 1 minutes later and I was 17 (good drop!) and another minute later I was 16 (not too bad). From what I can remember, the quicker your pulse drops, the better shape you're in. P90X continues tonight!