Finis Aqua Pulse
21Finis Aqua Pulse
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 3:39pm (April 21st, 2009)

"When the Aqua Pulse is placed on any bones of the skull (i.e. the cheek bones or the mastoid tip) it leads to vibration of the fluid in the inner ear. Therefore, users of the monitor will be able to clearly hear their heart-rate while swimming. Bone-Conduction hearing is a safe, well established hearing mechanism in humans that the Aqua Pulse leverages to enhance sound-clarity in the water."
I think it's a fascinating technology that would be great to have during a tough workout. At EMU we used to take our pulse for 10 seconds and then multiply the number times 6 to get our heart rate. The problem is that it was tough to keep track of, or sometimes you didn't even have 10 seconds of rest depending on the set. This device also features a button that will immediately read out the heart rate, no need to wait for the interval. As with any new technology, I wish it was a little smaller. I'm sure the next version will be a little less bulky, I still want to try one though!