Chicago 2016 marketing
19Chicago 2016 marketing
Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 3:14pm (April 19th, 2009)

Tokyo: 8.3
Madrid: 8.1
Chicago: 7.0
Rio de Janeiro: 6.4
Although I've never been to Tokyo, Madrid or Rio de Janeiro, I have to root for Chicago not only because of it's close proximity, but also for the city's safe, culture rich and facinating aspects that many of us know and appreciate. After looking at the official website at I'm impressed with the city planning and "green" aspect of the entire project. The pool looks like it will be an indoor facility which is great for the backstrokers!
On the training front, it was a good week although being out of town on Friday and pool closures on Saturday and Sunday have left me with an unplanned 3 days off unfortunately. I resorted to doing weights and some frisbee on Saturday and I'll be doing dryland training today. After yesterday, I have a new interest in biking. A friend got a road bike and I'm considering a return to cycling. I'm not sure which variety of bike I would get based on the riding I would do. I have no interest in speeding through a forest on a mountain bike, but due to the potholes around here, I'm not sure a road bike is really suited to Michigan roads either. Time to do some research.