In the water 6 days a week
3In the water 6 days a week
Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 2:10pm (October 3rd, 2009)

I had a chance to swim at EMU yesterday before taking some photo's for the University Team. They're hoping these pictures will be featured on a poster which will be distributed around campus and to local businesses. After a little photoshop work, I removed the tile floor and the pool in the background, this is what was left:
I've been swimming 3,000 yards or meters a day for two weeks in a row. Looks like I'm back on a solid schedule. I weighed myself again yesterday and literally laughed out loud when I saw 178.4.... gained another pound! I typically don't get too bent out of shape on weight gain or weight loss, but considering I've been 166 and 178 a month apart is crazy! I'm doing all the right things so I'm not gonna worry till I'm mid 180's. I'm still amazed at how much I weigh for somebody who rarely gains weight. Guess it had to happen sometime, I DID take a month off swimming and didn't really change my eating habits.
I'm planning on swimming at the Milan Masters meet on October 11th. I'm looking forward to racing again!