New Meet Schedule


New Meet Schedule

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 4:25am (September 6th, 2008)
I've added two meets to my schedule. I'll add quite a few more when I have time to figure out my work obligations. I'll go to the Milan meet in mid October and the TYR Grand Prix at IUPUI in late October. I think going to lots of meets will keep me motivated to further my training. I really want to break the Masters World Record in the 50 Back Short Course Meters (SCM). I'm a tenth of a second away at a 25.15, the record is a 25.05. I'll work on my pull more this fall as well as doing underwater kicking at least a few times a week. I also want to start doing a few backstroke starts each practice. I need to get my body used to doing starts. During some of my bigger meets these past few months I would get sore from doing starts at meets because my back and leg muscles weren't used to the explosive muscle movements required to do a fast start. It's exciting to plan out my training. I can't say I ever really write a practice, it's all in my head, but I know exactly what I need to work on.