Back in the pool
30Back in the pool
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 7:03pm (September 30th, 2008)
Surprisingly I haven't been in the pool since Thursday. I took friday off to rest for the race. The pool was closed all weekend and Monday was crazy busy. I've made time each day to do either weights or dryland workouts. I've resurrected an old college drill that involves laying flat on your back and raising your legs in different directions and speed variations. Doing waay too many sets have left my lower abs in shambles. I know that building more core strength will help me maintain good body position in my races. Due to a busy day I only made time for a 45 minute swim workout but got in around 2000 yards with some good speed work. Next up is the Milan Masters meet a few weekends from now. I'm still trying to rope in a few new (and existing) masters swimmers to join me. It should be a good time as all masters meets are!