Best Run to Date!


Best Run to Date!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 8:32am (September 22nd, 2008)
After a very busy work weekend I didn't get a chance to swim or run on Friday or Saturday. I worked all day Sunday but did plyometric workouts through the day and fit a run in late at night. The night air was brutal on my throat and ear canals. It was really miserable, I will try to avoid the cold air from now on.

I lead off my run in a 6:34 which was the fastest to date on my first lap. I was pleasantly surprised to see a 13.08.88 on my watch at the finish making it about a second faster than my best run in my life. Although certainly not a huge gain, I'm proud to say I'm running faster than I ever have! My second lap was a perfect even split of 6:34. I was conscious of my distance per stride and tried to use my long legs to my advantage.

I still haven't run anywhere near the 3.1 miles I need to run next Saturday in my 5k race. I'll try to put in some more distance this week. I'm disappointed that I didn't prepare better for this year's 5k but I've had a busy summer with other priorities. I do think that I'll have a the best 5k in my life though. I'm feeling faster than ever!

I really enjoy benchmarking my progress on this blog. I appreciate the people who stop by and keep up on my sporting activities but I've also found this to be a great training resource. I've used this site as a database of my videos and for notes on my own training. I'm proud of this little portal I've created. It's kept me organized and helped me plan my meet schedule around work and life. Just today I looked back a few days to compare my running times to my performance last week. I would have never taken notes like that without a place to document it (and remember where to find it). I'll be in the pool and weight room tomorrow no matter what, I miss the smell of Chlorine!