Memorial day workouts
27Memorial day workouts
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 3:23am (May 27th, 2008)
What a great memorial day! I feel like I did about everything athletic I could pack into a day off. It started with swim practice for 2 hours, then walked 4 miles, did some plyometrics training, played some hardcore frisbee for a few hours and I think I squeezed a nap in there somewhere. It was a fantastic way to spend a beautiful day outside while getting a lot of alternative exercise. I'm back in the weight room and the pool tomorrow as I gear up for the Mutual of Omaha Swimvitational in 2 weeks and the Olympic Trials in 5 weeks. I'm redesigning the "pictures section" (don't check it yet) and should be up and running with lots more photos very soon. Hope everybody had a great weekend and holiday!