Altitude Chamber


Altitude Chamber

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 9:02pm (May 13th, 2008)

I had a busy day with working and swimming. The increased hours the natatorium have made my practice schedule much more flexible. Lately I've been doing a few practices a week with the summer squad of EMU swimmers. I'll either swim their written practice, swim something Sarah came up with, or do something entirely of my own creation. I enjoy doing something different every day.

Today I spoke with a grad student at EMU regarding their "Altitude Chamber" study. He has been monitoring some of the EMU swimmers performance while they sleep at an artificial altitude during the night. He mentioned the results have been on average inconclusive but the study isn't quite done yet. Some people benefit a lot by it, and some actually get worse. It seems as though it's not a great time to do the study because many swimmers have inconsistent practice schedules during the summer. I'll be interested to see what he comes up with. The chambers themselves resemble camping tents with a large box attached to the side to filter the low pressure air going in. The chambers run about $10,000.00. I might pick up a few and give them away as stocking stuffers this year.