Another Photo Shoot


Another Photo Shoot

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 9:35pm (May 10th, 2008)
I'd like to thank my friend Alex Shultz for taking some great pictures of my swimming! They all turned out great, I'll post them soon. I had a nice talk with my former coach, Peter Linn of EMU. This discussion was prompted by a helpful email from a fellow swimmer Sean Joyce regarding training. Coach Linn had some great training advice (as he always does) that should help me prepare for the trials and beyond. I enjoyed discussing his theories on lactic acid and how it affects training, and preparing for competitions by putting your body through the same physical state as a race. The one thing that stood out more than anything though were his thoughts on diet and how much that plays a part in a great race. Not just diet leading up to a big meet, or the day of... but every day. It seems like common sense obviously, but it's hard to track your diet and make sure you're getting everything you need to train and perform. It made me much more conscious of what I'm eating, my goal this week is to track down a dietician and get some advice on how I should be fueling my body. Thanks again to Alex for the pictures, Sean for the email, and Coach Peter Linn for the training and diet advice, I always enjoy my conversations with him.