Benchmark Bodyweight Improvement


Benchmark Bodyweight Improvement

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 3:14am (October 23rd, 2008)
Unfortunately I did this set from home where I can't do pullups or dips, but my situps and pushups improved slightly.

Last week I was 86 Situps in 2:00
This week I was 100 Situps in 2:00
(Issue: I run out of strength)

Last week I was 20 Pushups in 1:00
This week I was 43 Pushups in 1:00
(Issue: I run out of strength)

I have to admit I'm still a little embarrassed with my performances (compared to college) but I know I'll match my college performances soon, and then I'll exceed them. I find that the time limit barely restrains me, the numbers I achieve are literally the most situps or pushups I can do. I'm not proud of that fact at all, but it will soon change with hard work. I want it to read: (Issue: I run out of time)... meaning, I can do 200 situps quickly, but I just plain run out of time to do them. Right now I'm running out of strength. I literally can't do the pushups longer than about 45 seconds. I'll get there.