2016 Brighton Meet Results


2016 Brighton Meet Results

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 7:58pm (February 7th, 2016)

Big changes for the Brighton meet.  With the demolition of the old Brighton SCM/SCY pool, they recently opened a strictly SCY pool.  Apparently they finally realized how short sighted the prospect of the metric system was after they built the original pool in 1985.  This meet seemingly attracted less swimmers with the switch to SCY.  A noticeable population of masters swimmers used to travel to Brighton from parts of Michigan, Ohio and Indiana for the meet because it was the international standard of Short Course Meters rather than the American standard Short Course Yards.  The only benefit here was a shorter meet.  I missed some friends from neighboring states that valued the meters course.  I enjoyed seeing world records set in Brighton, we won't have that silly distraction going forward.

My swims felt good but my times were only slightly faster than the last few yards meets.  Nothing really to write about.  There weren't any stand out swims.

50 Fly SCY - 22.93
50 Free SCY - 21.99
100 Fly SCY - 51.49 

Session Weight Information
Pre-Competition Weight: 189.2 lbs