Chiropractor... Long Overdue


Chiropractor... Long Overdue

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 8:16pm (March 18th, 2015)

Well, should have done that years ago.  When I swam with Club Wolverine, the team had a chiropractor who stopped by weekly to adjust the swimmers.  I never took advantage of that free service when I had it right in front of me. Fast forward a few years and I only now got around to picking out and visiting a chiropractor.  Money well spent.  For years now I've dealt with a "slipped rib" condition which caused me mild pain during some swimming, stretching, and deep breaths.  It truely wasn't a big issue but I'm very relived I've had it looked at by a professional.  I'm encoraged that the doctor doesn't see it as a major issue.  After 10 minutes on the table, I feel noticeably better.  I'm interested to see how long my relief lasts since I'm aware these things can come back to haunt you.  For now, I'm feeling great and I'm back in the water daily.  I'm feeling very motivated to improve.  I'm on a good track here.
