Enjoying some time away from the pool


Enjoying some time away from the pool

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 9:07pm (August 16th, 2012)

After 15 months of serious training for the U.S. Olympic Trials, I'm taking a break from the pool.  It's still only been 6 days but I'm overwhelmed with the feeling that I should be somewhere (the pool).  I've enjoyed getting some projects done and catching up with life a bit.  I'm already noticing I need to be careful how much I eat.  Since I typically work out at least once a day, drastically reducing my calorie burning time seem to already be making it's mark on my belly!  This past week has also made me realize how many calories I must burn swimming compared to other activities.  I've been very active with manual labor type stuff but it's apparently not anywhere near the same excercise level.  I'll be back in the pool soon!
