Fastest 50m Butterfly in practice ever!


Fastest 50m Butterfly in practice ever!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 12:37pm (May 26th, 2012)

Our race pace set today was not difficult.  I was wishing it was more challenging yet I wasn't up for "broken 200's" that the middle distance group was doing either so I stuck with the sprint workout:

3 x Full Power Rack with :05 seconds rest between + 30m Dive sprint

2 x 75% weight power rack with :05 second rest between + 40m Dive sprint

1 x 50% weight power rack + 50m Dive sprint

50m Dive sprint with fins/paddles

It really wasn't that bad at all, probably because we have started to taper for trials.  I chose to do another round before the last 50 with fins/paddles.  Swimming extra seems to make me feel great, as if I'm overachieving.  It's a good feeling.

The set overall was fine.  I chose to do the entire thing butterfly and give my backstroke a rest.  

Round 1 was the hardest with 3 power racks, you were left with nothing once you got to the blocks.  The 30 meters was a bit tough, I finished in 14.4 seconds.  

Round 2 seemed much easier with only two power racks at lower weight.  The set indicated to only swim 40 meters, but I finished the 50 for a time.  I was 26.5 at the 50, a solid time for me considering the work before the start.

Round 3 was great, I touched in 25.3.  Although it was a hand time, that's around my best time in the event!  I warmed down but really wanted to get a time without a power rack before it.  Since the final round was with fins and paddles, I chose to squeak in an extra round here.

Round 3.5 This was my extra round.  I asked coach Sam to give me an honest flat start time, since sometimes they go off when your feet leave the blocks.  He agreed.  My start and underwater kicking felt amazing yet my breakout could have been better. I was mindful of my hand placement during the 50m.  I tend do enter very narrow, I focused on placing my hands at shoulder width which seemed to speed up my stroke.  I touched and I knew it would be a very good time.  Sam said "24.4", to which I responded "no way".  He nodded his head and gave me some positive feedback on my swim.  He said I was falling into my catch well and pressing with my chest at the right time.  All good things.  Things I could improve on included that I was letting my elbows drop midway through my stroke, something I tend to forget about.  I was very proud of my time, I've never been a 24 anything in butterfly.  I also take this time with a grain of salt since it was a hand time, so I'll add 0.50 seconds to it just to be safe.  I'm still very impressed with a 24.9 though!
