3 Lifetime Bests SCM!


3 Lifetime Bests SCM!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 6:39pm (March 11th, 2012)

The Milford meet went great!  I'm still a little run down from the trip and the flight back but I wanted to see what I could swim Short Course Meters.

100 Back SCM: 55.17 (Lifetime Best!)
50 Back SCM: 25.64
100 Free SCM: 51.48 (Lifetime Best)
50 Free SCM: 23.30 (Lifetime Best)
50 Fly SCM: 25.37

I had 3 lifetime best times!  The other two races were a bit under par.  I was going for the 50 Back SCM world record of 24.81 but I didn't even come close at 25.64.  Somehow my time from a month ago of 24.92 was miles away from my performance today.  I just couldn't seem to rev it up.  The 50 Fly was just sloppy.  I breathed a few times and had a short turn, much behind my best in 2007 of 25.05.

It was a great meet.  Milford always does a great job!
