On the bike and more core workouts!


On the bike and more core workouts!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 11:06pm (December 15th, 2011)

I consulted a strength coach recently to develop some core workouts I can do in the free time that's been created by my inability to practice with the team.  I have a 4 day per week rotating workout schedule for abs.  It involves some very difficult exercises.  The "candlestick" is really the only one I've found that I simply can't peform well at all.  It involves extending your torso and legs straight up so you're balancing on your head and shoulders.  You are allowed to grab the bench below you to hold yourself down.  At this point you keep your core and legs straight and SLOWLY lower feet to the ground.  It becomes harder the further away from 90 degrees (vertical) you get.  I get to about 60 degrees and my legs basically drop to the floor.  I give anybody credit who can do this exercise properly.  I have a long way to go!

I've started riding the stationary bike to improve my leg endurance.  Tuesday I did 15 minutes at level 12 maintaining around 100 RPM.  Thursday I only had time for 20 minutes at level 14 maintaining 95 RPM.  I really enjoy the bike, it's a fantastic workout and I believe it can help my kicking endurance.  Although my training situation is annoying, it's giving me a little more freedom in my workouts which is nice.
