27.5 From a Push


27.5 From a Push

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 3:22pm (August 7th, 2011)

I was back in the pool today for a quick 2,100 meter workout.  The length of my practice was partially determined by my attention span (or lack thereof), and partially because my left shoulder was really bothering me.  Prior to Nationals, I did some manual labor, including deadlifting 80 lb boxes over my head.  The day after it felt as though I had just swam a few 10,000 meter swim practices in a row.  I definitely did some damage in there somewhere.  This week I will keep up with the core workouts but I may take a few days off of swimming to let it heal.

At the end of the workout I timed myself for a 50m backstroke from a push.  I was a 27.5 at the touch.  Not bad :)

Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 170.5 lbs
Practice Information
Dist: 2,100 LCM - (Long Course 50 Meters)