California Bound


California Bound

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 12:03pm (August 1st, 2011)
California Bound

Beginning with an early morning, I'm headed to California for the 2011 Long Course Nationals.  I'm excited for the meet as a new experience along with a team to support me.  I do however wish I was better prepared.  The last week was filled with quite a few physical demands outside of swimming.  These activities were my choice and the result of poor planning and basically just living my normal life.  I'm sore and my left shoulder hurts.  I feel the pain of an in-season weights and dryland workout.  I hope I can recover quickly and achieve both of the realistic time goals I've set for myself this week.

The trip has been mostly uneventful but very enjoyable.  I got to drive some of the other swimmers to the airport and save everybody money on a taxi.  I felt it was a nice gesture since I have a form of income that they don't.  They were gracious for the ride and we had a nice conversation.

I find it amusing how easy it is to spot a swimmer in a public place.  We just seem to have a certain look.  The way we dress (comfortable, lazy, sporty), the unmistakable hair (semi-bleached, but not in an attractive way) and our general build along with the swim backpacks are all dead giveaways of a swimmer.  I spotted at least one in the Minneapolis airport and introduced myself once we were on the plane.  He was from Minnesota and headed to Nationals with his father.  We had a nice brief discussion, part of which I was asked "so what year are you in college?".... a question I seem to get quite often.  I apparently don't look my age just yet.  I always chuckle when somebody assumes I'm perhaps over 10 years younger than I am, at this point in my life.  Still, it's always a good story about how I swam in college, took some time off and got back into Masters swimming.  It's a story I don't get tired of telling.

I'm writing this from the plane, soon we land in California and we will have a team practice and I'll get to bed early to catch up on my 4 hours of sleep from last night.  Tomorrow I will attempt to time trial the 50 Freestyle.  I'm armed with heavily tinted goggles, a new Speedo Aqua-V cap, some CW team gear and a new Speedo LZR Elite jammer racing suit.  I would have preferred a brief but I was peer pressured into wearing one of these watered down tech suits.  I don't think they make much difference but at least this one ties, unlike my suit in Montreal.  I'm excited to see Stanford and enjoy some California weather!  Looking forward to the meet!
